Jesus said, "Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Matthew 19:14

We believe that it is primarily the parent's role to train their children in the ways of the Lord (Eph 6:4; Prov. 22:6) and we want to support parents in any way we can to foster a love for Christ and desire to obey His word from a young age.

We do this primarily by encouraging families to keep their children with them during the sermon; we have a cry room if at any point during the sermon a family finds they are in need of it.  While we do not believe a children's ministry is sinful or wrong in and of itself, we believe that families are better together and that children learning to sit and listen to the sermon will foster the best kind of environment for them to learn and grow in their love for the Lord Jesus Christ.

We provide a children's bulletin which draws attention to various parts of the sermon, gives an opportunity for the younger children to draw or write out things they've heard, along with a children catechism question for each Sunday. These become great tools to use during family worship and help grow father's as the priest of their home. In addition to this, we invite all children to come to the Pastor's study immediately after the service to recite catechism questions and get a small treat.

Christ was adamant that the children should be able to come to Him unhindered, and so this is our way to partner with families so that their little ones may hear the Lord speak through His word each and every Lord's Day. 

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